Curtis Health Caps is a company that is socially engaged and open to others.
We support all social initiatives that promote physical culture and health protection. We effectively manage the company’s operations to meet expectations of our stakeholders. We have a quality management system in place, we apply procedures in the field of environmental protection, and we ensure the confidentiality of data which contribute to the increase of trust between the company’s customers and the suppliers. The fundamental areas we focus on the CSR activities at Curtis Healyh Caps are:
1. Products and services
We care about quality at every stage:
- research and development works
- manufacturing
- storage
- logistics
- daily customer service
The devices production used in our company meet the highest standards and provide a precise course of the technological process, as a result of which we receive a product of exceptional quality.
2. Employees
People are the most important asset of the company. Our CSR strategy activities focus on building the image of a fair and stable employer position.
3. Local community
We strive to build partnership relations with representatives of local communities.
Our goal is to support sports initiatives and the development of social institutions. We attend in various sprts events.
- Our employees take active parts in marathons and runs (Lion Run, Konstanciński Run, Business Run, GWiNT Ultra Cross marathon) and form the CHC football team.
- We cooperate with scientific institutions: Medical University of Gdansk, University of Life Sciences and Medicine in Poznan, The Poznan University of Technology and University of them. Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan
4. Ethics in Business
The most important business principles of our company are: responsibility, respect and openness in relations with clients.
5. Ecological activities
We feel responsible for the natural environment.
We also promote an ecological lifestyle among our employees and business partners. We create programs that enable running business in an environmentally friendly way, reducing the adverse impact on our environment.